Verena Muckermann holds a BA in "Culture, Individual and Society" and philosophy from Ruhr-University Bochum. In her empirical bachelor thesis, she focused on the psychosocial long-term consequences of the South African apartheid system for South African youth.
For her master's degree, she moved to VU Amsterdam, where she obtained an M.Sc. in "International Crimes Conflict and Criminology". Her master's thesis, which forms the basis for her current doctoral project, concentrated on the needs and concepts of justice of Syrian survivors of international crimes living in Germany. In parallel and subsequent additional studies in the study program Culture and Person at RUB, she primarily focused on collective practices of violence in Rwanda and Syria as well as on the intergenerational transmission of experiences of violence using the example of the Dersim region in Turkey.
Alongside her studies, Verena Muckermann worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Development Research and Development Policy (IEE) and the Chair of Social Theory and Social Psychology at Ruhr-University Bochum, at the Chair of Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC) at TU Darmstadt and for the Center for International Criminal Justice (CICJ) at VU Amsterdam. She currently continues to support a research project on the role of culture in witness testimony before international criminal tribunals as a fellow at the Amsterdam Laboratory for Legal Psychology (ALLP).
Verena Muckermann is a doctoral fellow in the IPU/KKC Graduate Program "Trauma and Collective Violence: Articulation, Negotiation and Recognition". Her doctoral project investigates the possibilities and limits of the articulation, negotiation, and recognition of state violence experienced by Syrians living in Germany.
Since February 2023, she works as a research associate at the Chair of Social Theory and Social Psychology. In particular, she supports the BMBF project "Network Local Conflicts and Emotions in Urban Spaces: Transdisciplinary Conflict Research in Science-Practice Cooperations" (LoKoNet).
Her research interests lie in phenomena and psychosocial consequences of collective (state) violence as well as in processes of their social, legal, and political recognition.
By individual appointments. Get in contact under:
Verena Muckermann, M.Sc.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Sozialtheorie und Sozialpsychologie
Universitätsstr. 150
Gebäude GD, Raum E1/225
D-44801 Bochum