The designation of this chair is based on the interdisciplinary structure of the faculty in research and teaching, which is based on the division of labor. It corresponds to the pronounced interests in the formation of theory in the social and cultural sciences, which takes into account the subjects represented in the interdisciplinary courses of study at the faculty, facilitates translation and transfer services, and promotes integration potentials. In addition, the chair is responsible for research and course offerings in the area of an interdisciplinary social and cultural psychology.
Interdisciplinary courses of study require not only thorough knowledge in the field of theories of action, social and cultural psychology, but also methodological competencies that allow for the informed assessment of empirical research results as well as the independent planning and implementation of projects. The chair also contributes to this. In particular, so-called qualitative or interpretative methods are taught. Last but not least, so-called teaching research projects (BA: empirical module, MA: research module), which follow the principle of research-based teaching and learning, serve this purpose.
Social and cultural theoretical positions and discussions from various disciplines find their way into numerous courses. Special attention is paid to newer trends in social and cultural psychology. This corresponds to current tendencies, which have led to the establishment of e.g. a "narrative", a "social constructionist" or a "discursive" psychology in the Anglo-Saxon language area. Today, all these approaches are also taken up and further developed in German-speaking countries. The same is true for comparative cultural perspectives and the interest in problems and potentials of intercultural communication, coexistence and competence.
The members of the chair strive to take up these international developments in research and teaching. Thus, at the center of the joint efforts is an action-, social-, and cultural-theoretically oriented psychology that is international and interdisciplinary. It is in exchange especially with philosophy as well as empirical disciplines such as ethnology (social and cultural anthropology), sociology and pedagogy, but also with the philologies as well as newer trans- and interdisciplinary research programs such as cultural studies, postcolonial studies, regional studies, feminist/queer studies, etc.