Program of Specialization Management and Regulation of Labor, Economy and Organization

MA Program 'Management and Regulation of Labor, Economy and Organization' – MaRAWO

The MaRAWO program is one of the specialisations offered within the MA Social Science of the Faculty of Social Science. MaRAWO also offers the opportunity to receive a Double Degree from RUB and  BUAP, Mexico.

Program directors

E-mail:  marawo-sowi[at]


Contents || Course of Study || Double Degree || Module Handbook || Career Prospects || Lecturers


The master's program of specialization "Management and Regulation of Labor and Organization" offers a profound scientific examination of the current transformations of labor, its regulation and the conditions of labor, employment and participation for people. Globalization, transnationalization, digitalization, economic structural change and diverse social developments are changing the world of labor. New production systems, global supply chains, transnational careers and spatial labor mobility, changing management concepts, and new forms of organization, employment, participation, co-determination, and protest are central pillars of these changes that are conveyed here. We focus on business, government, the social service sector, and nonprofit organizations.

The program of specialization provides knowledge from social science research in the following areas:

  • Labor market and employment development
  • Changes in industries and economic structures
  • Change in management and organization in the course of digitalization, internationalization and flexibilization
  • Participation and co-determination of employees in work councils, unions and international labor organizations
  • Dynamics of decision-making and coordination processes on regional, national, supranational and transnational level

The program of specialization extends over four semesters and is characterized by the combination of content specialization and in-depth social science, theoretical and methodological education. It is an interdisciplinary program and consists of courses in sociology, political science, social economics and social psychology. A mandatory internship complements the knowledge imparted in the studies. In addition, students have the opportunity to earn a double degree by spending one or two semesters at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Mexico. The program of specialization (120 CP) is composed of a total of nine modules and a master's thesis. An overview of the study program can be found here.

Three "Management and Regulation of Labor and Organization" program modules (9 CP each):

  • Module Labor and Organization: This module is an intensive examination of central theories of organizational and labor research. The historical developments and changes in approaches, as well as their different perspectives and usefulness for analyzing different types of organizations and organizational change are highlighted. In addition, the module addresses current issues in the world of labor such as organizational cultures, corporate social responsibility, diversity management, sociology of leadership, transnational employment biographies, etc.
  • Module Labor Regulation and Participation: The focus of this module is on the dimensions and institutions of labor regulation at the national and international level. In addition to theoretical models and empirical findings on the current state of labor regulation, the module deals with the preconditions, forms and effects of participation for employees, companies and society.
  • Module Economic Locations and Service Sectors: In this module, selected service sectors as well as regional actor constellations and local innovation systems are analyzed using theories and methods from the sociology of labor, economics and industry. The focus is on labor market, economic, technological and socio-structural dimensions of structural change in service sectors and economic locations as well as their institutional embedding.

For shaping the profile of the program of specialization, these program modules are supplemented by three additional modules:

  • Internship Module (14 CP): During an internship of at least eight weeks, students get to know a professional field relevant to the program of specialization and acquire practical qualifications for their future professional life. The accompanying course provides students with further career perspectives and practical knowledge about the world of labor and application procedures for their successful career path.
  • Research Module (12 CP): In this two-semester module, students conduct empirical research on a topic of the program of specialization. It provides an in-depth exploration of the state of the research on the respective topic and guides students in conducting an independent empirical research project.
  • Master Module Research Methods and Statistics (12 CP): The module teaches central contents of the research area "Survey Methodology" and deals with sampling designs, sampling and non-sampling errors, different data collection methods, quality aspects, etc.

Broadening, Deepening, Complementing (three of four to be chosen, 9CP each):

  • Master module "Qualitative Social Research Methods"
  • Master module "Social Science Theories"
  • Modules of the Faculty of Social Science
  • Supplementary Module, non-faculty or freely compiled
  • B.A. modules as postgraduate studies

Since the winter semester 2021/22, a double degree with the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) Mexico in the Master's program Estudios Sociales: "Trabajo, Regulación Laboral y Organización" (MESTRLO) can be acquired within the MaRAWO study program. You can find MESTRLO's Facebook page here.

For a double degree, MaRAWO students spend at least one semester abroad at BUAP and take courses from the MESTRLO program there. They earn at least 30 CP there. To study at BUAP, students must demonstrate a B2 Spanish level, as the language of instruction at BUAP is (almost) exclusively Spanish. Students are responsible for financing and organizing their stay abroad. We as the study program management, the International Services of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the International Office of the RUB will advise and support you. Tuition fees at BUAP are waived for RUB students. The application deadline for spring term (starting January) is September 15, and for fall term (starting August) is March 30.

If you are interested in connecting with international students locally in Bochum, we recommend signing up for the Buddy programme. Here, local students accompany Mexican students from Puebla who are studying at RUB as part of the double degree program and help them settle in. Knowledge of Spanish is not necessary.

For further information or to sign up for the double degree or the buddy programme, please contact Dana Tholen, coordinator of the double degree program.

Beyond this option, there are many possibilities to study at other (Erasmus+) partner universities. The work done there will be credited according to the previously agreed learning agreement.

You can find our English course offerings in the winter term 2024/25 here.

Information on the Erasmus program.

Overview of partner universities.

Study abroad as a freemover.

Detailed information about the modules and study progression options can be found here.

This program of specialization prepares graduates for employment in the following areas:

  • National and international business and non-profit organizations (in the areas of continuing educcation, human resource development, organizational development, etc.)
  • Consulting institutions (business and policy consulting, project organization and evaluation, etc.)
  • Associations (unions, employers' associations, chambers, etc.)
  • Political institutions and public administrations
  • Research institutions (social science departments, institutes, etc.)