Logo Gleichstellung Sozialwissenschaft
© CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Mathias Brinkmeyer

Gender-inclusive language

The Faculty of Social Science understands itself as a place of diversity and appreciation. This diversity should also be reflected in our language. Gender-inclusive language is therefore an important element of appreciative communication for us.
In society, the topic of gender-inclusive language - also: "gendering" - is emotionally charged and is often presented as complicated. The fact that language and society are in a constant state of change does not make the topic any less complex.
With this brochure, we would like to invite you, the faculty's staff and students, to engage with the topic and put gender-inclusive language into practice. At the initiative of the faculty's equal opportunity team, a working group has come together to create an informational brochure. We have collected and discussed different expertises and opinions. With the result, we want to emphasize: gender-inclusive language is feasible!

The brochure is concerned with the German language and its gender-inclusive aspects. It is therefore written entirely in German and is intended to help in writing (academic) texts in German.

Download link of the illustrated brochure:

Download link of the condensed version without illustrations:

The Equal Opportunity Representatives of the Faculty of Social Science

The equal opportunity representatives at the Faculty of Social Science are the substitutes of the central equal opportunity representatives of the RUB. They advocate the interests of women and TIN (trans-, inter-, non-binary persons) of the respective status groups. This refers to students, technical and administrative staff, academic staff and professors.
The equal opportunity representatives deal with issues of equal opportunity for all genders. At the same time, they are also available to help you with all other forms of discrimination.
For example, they participate in meetings, committees and appointment procedures of the faculty as an advisory member. In addition, the equal opportunity representatives monitor and supervise the implementation of the equal opportunity plan at the faculty.
The equal opportunity representatives also organize events. Topics are, for example:

  • Perceived safety on campus
  • Communication/speech behavior in seminars
  • The use of gender-inclusive language
  • Raising awareness of sexism and other forms of discrimination

If you have any suggestions or questions, we welcome your feedback at

What Does the Social Science Equal Opportunity Team Stand For?

  • We define our work as intersectional and inclusive.
  • We are committed to equal opportunities at our faculty.
  • We try to find appropriate solutions to equal opportunity issues, both on a structural and individual level.

What Can I Contact the Equal Opportunity Representatives About?

  • In case of (sexual) discrimination at the place of work and study at our faculty.
  • For questions and problems concerning the compatibility of pregnancy and parenthood with studies or the workplace.
  • Regarding questions, wishes and suggestions on the topic of equal opportunities.

It is possible to contact the respective representative of the status group by e-mail. Further consultations and procedures can then be coordinated individually. It goes without saying that we treat sensitive topics confidentially.


At the FLINTA* General Assembly on 8 May 2024, the new Student Equal Opportunities Representative Melina Lindberg was elected.
Esra Elmaci, who has held the office for one year, is thus saying goodbye.

Name | "Richtig gendern - Geschlechtergerechte Sprache im Hochschulkontext (SoSe2021)"
Password | gendern2021
Here you can find the recordings/slides of the lectures that have already taken place!


Equal Opportunity Representative
of the Faculty of
Social Science

Dr. Helena Hartlieb
Office: GD 1/165
Phone: +49 234 32 - 22990
Office hours: by arrangement

Representative for Students

Melina Lindberg
Office: GD 03/135
Office hours: Mondays from 12-14 h

Representative for Academic Employees

Maximiliane Brand
Office: GD 1/337
Phone: +49 234 32 - 26646
Office hours: by arrangement

Representative for Technical and Administrative Staff

Susanne Axt-Sokolowski
Office: GD 1/317
Phone: +49 234 32 - 28429

The target agreements on equal opportunity, are regularly concluded between the rectorate and the faculty and define the equal opportunity goals of the faculty.

On the target agreements for equal opportunity in social science 2020

The "Rahmenplan Gleichstellung der RUB" (Framework Plan for Equal Opportunities at RUB) sets out the principles and overarching equality goals of RUB that apply to all members and affiliates of the university.

"Rahmenplan Gleichstellung" 2020-2024

The student equal opportunity representative, together with the student equal opportunity team of the Faculty of Philology, has set up an info mailing list for interested students to share information and events on equal opportunity. Students can sign up with their RUB mail address.

To the mailing list