The Diversity Representatives of the Faculty of Social Science

As decentralized diversity representatives, we are the contact persons at the faculty in cases of discrimination. We advise employees and students and refer those affected to appropriate counseling services.

In addition, we are committed to ensuring that diversity is specifically noticed and respected in all areas of the faculty. In particular, we provide advice and support to first-time academics, students and staff with international family histories, people of color, queer people, and others, if they so choose. We inform the faculty about diversity, point out grievances, and work to ensure that diversity in university life is perceived and valued as an asset. For this purpose, we also engage in committee work where we focus on and address diversity-related issues. Diversity-sensitive communication is essential for us. We work closely with the central anti-discrimination representative Michalina Trompeta and are networked with the diversity representatives of the other faculties. We also work together with the equal opportunity representatives.

If you have a diversity concern, need advice, or have suggestions for diversity related work, please contact or use the diversity representative's personal email address. We treat all concerns confidentially!

Tasks of the Decentralized Diversity Representatives

  • Contact person in cases of discrimination
  • Voice in and out of the faculty on the topic of diversity
  • Collaboration in the network of decentralized diversity representatives
  • Public relations
  • Representation of the central anti-discrimination representatives in the complaints' office
  • Optional: participation in appointment commissions and committees

What is Discrimination?

Discrimination is the unjustified unequal treatment of a person or group of persons on the basis of one or more of the following characteristics or attributions:

  • gender and gender identity,
  • ethnic heritage and nationality (racial, anti-semitic or ethnicizing ascriptions),
  • disability or chronic/long-term illness,
  • sexual orientation,
  • marital status or family responsibilities,
  • social origin and social status,
  • religion or belief,
  • age,
  • appearance.

This can take the form of non-compliance, exclusion, degradation and violence. What matters is the result, not the intent or motivation behind an action or regulation - such as thoughtlessness or general administrative practice.


Representative for Students
Kian Tschai Tchi
Office: by arrangement
Office hours: by arrangement

Rose Abed Hassan
Office: n.V.
Office hours: n.V.

Representative for Technical and Administrative Staff
Hannah Meiswinkel
Office: GD 1/307
Phone: 0234-32-28971
Office hours: by arrangement

Representative for Academic Employees
Dr. Katrin Menke
Office: GD 1/311
Phone: 0234 32 - 24067
Office hours: by arrangement

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