Oral Examinations

Examination Entitlement and Registration

Final module examinations are currently only conducted by Prof. Kahlert.

Contact the Chair early enough before the aspired date of the oral examination. For this purpose, send the form "Anmeldung für eine Modulabschlussprüfung am Lehrstuhl für Soziologie/Soziale Ungleichheit und Geschlecht" at least one week before the planned appointment to Prof. Kahlert.
The form is available for download.

The registration for the oral examination is carried out in Prof. Kahlert’s office hours. Please see the office hours.

Thesis Paper for Oral Examination

The thesis paper for oral examinations should be no longer than three pages (including an overview of the literature read) and must be sent the latest one week before the examination in a word- or pdf-file by e-mail to Prof. Kahlert.

Guidelines for the preparation of a thesis paper for oral examinations are available for download.