
The Chair supervises BA- and MA-theses, dissertations and habilitations.

Preferred areas are:

  • General Sociology
  • Inequalities and Social Structures
  • Gender Studies

At least one seminar or research internship should have been completed at the Chair in order to be sufficiently familiarised with the requirements of scientific work.

If you want to write a BA- or MA-thesis at the Chair, pay attention to the advice concerning the scientific work on theses, which is available for download. Further help can be found in German in the Moodle-course "Anleitungen zum Erstellen von schriftlichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten", please contact Prof. Kahlert for the password.

Contact the Chair early enough before the start of the processing time. For this purpose, send the form "Anmeldung von Abschlussarbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Soziologie/Soziale Ungleichheit und Geschlecht" at least one week before the planned appointment to The form is available for download.

Here you find a template for the declaration of originality: Erklaerung zur eigenstaendigen Abfassung.