Completed Research

Excellence and/or Equal Opportunities for Men and Women: National Policies and Discursive Practices at Universities (Germany and Switzerland)

Embedded in the discourse on the entrepreneurial university, the project aims to analyse the ongoing reforms in the academic world with regard to excellence and equal opportunities for women and men. Two levels are thereby focused: National objectives and their usage in the organisational daily routine of chosen universities in Germany and Switzerland undergo a discourse analysis based on the sociology of knowledge. Secondly, it is examined how discourses found on the national-programmatic level are translated and reshaped on the local-organisational level.

The project is led in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Julia Nentwich (University of St. Gallen) and funded from 2014 to 2018 by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) in the framework of D-A-CH/Lead Agency Procedure between the DFG, FWF (the Austrian Science Fund) and SNF.

More information can be found here.


The interdisciplinary and international working group “GenderSocialTheories” met twice a year from 2007 to 2018 for intense discussions. The social scientists of different status groups from Germany, Austria and Switzerland aimed at systematically exploring social theories with regard to central insights from gender research. The working group was recently interested in the revision of relevant social theories and influential diagnoses of the times from a feminist perspective considering the tensions between the private and the public.

More information can be found here.