MAKING EUROPE GREENER: Desiging a suitable future through politics, economy, university work and citizen initiatives
Online lecture series in the Europe Week at the Ruhr-University Bochum/ RUB (May 2021)
From May 03rd to 07th, 2021 students of the MA ECUE organised the lecture series in cooperation with the study programme office. The online event covered an opening speech and eight subject-related lectures followe by discussions.
All in all, 129 participants joined the event (36 students from the MA study programmes ECUE and EELP; 93 external participants).
Topics of the lectures were inter alia: the city as future productive land scape, ethical demands on a EU's supply chain law, EU's climate protection goals, sustainability at universities, ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction, sustainable networks in city-diplomacy, corporate social responsibility and innovation, transformation toward more sustainability in economy.
- Marcus Reinecke (manging director of the MA ECUE): opening speech
- Sebastian Schlecht (architect, strategic management at the divison environment, transport and sport at the City of Essen/ Germany): „#thinklandscape - Die Stadt der Zukunft ist eine produktive Landschaft“ (lecture in German)
- Dr. Johannes Graf Keyserlingk (scientific assistant at the department of applied ethics, Institute Philosophy 1, RUB): „Grüne Lieferketten: Ethische Anforderungen an ein europäisches Lieferkettengesetz“ (lecture in German)
- Dario Levedag (member and co-founder of the Sustainability Forum at the RUB): „Kann Europa Klimakrise? Europäische Klimaziele und die konkreten Klimaschutzmaßnahmen“ (lecture in German)
- Ulrike Emonds (project office Building and Environment at the RUB): „Nachhaltigkeit an Universitäten - Von Green Offices und Nachhaltigkeitsbüros“ (lecture in German)
- Dr. Karen Sudmeier-Rieux (United Nations Environment Programme, Geneva/ Switzerland): „Upscaling Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reducation in Europe“
- Martin van der Pütten (project manager at the division of sustainability at the City of Dortmund/ Germany and head of the division of international relations): „Nachhaltiges Netzwerken - Wie Städte-Diplomatie unsere Welt grüner und besser macht“ (lecture in German)
- Dr. Kostas Iatridis (professor for business and society at the School of Management, University of Bath/ UK): “On Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Innovation''
- Yannick Heringhaus (head of offices Sustainability Alliance of the Land Lower Saxony): „Aktuelle und zukünftige Strategien zur Transformation hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Wirtschaft in Niedersachsen“ (lecture in German)