Goethe-Institute / Brussels, Belgium (Personal Advisor to the Office Director)
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Office Europe / Brussels, Belgium (Head of Programme - Climate, Trade and Agricultural Policy)
Max-Planck Gesellschaft Office Europe / Brussels, Belgium (Scientific Officer)
Wildlife Coversation Society (Program Officer Germany)
Institutions/ Policy/ NGO/ Administration
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation / Bonn, Germany (Programme Officer)
BDA | Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (Trainee)
Bertelsmann Foundationg / Bielefeld, Germany (Personal Advisor to the Executive Board)
Bitkom e.V. / Berlin, Germany (Consultant for International Affairs and Innovation Policy)
Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung / Bonn, Germany (Lead Divisional Management)
Chinese Embassy/ Berlin, Germany (Project Management Cultural Dialogue)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Projektträger Internationales Büro/ Bonn, Germany (Advisor Cooperation USA)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt / Cologne and Bonn, Germany (Deputy Head Corporate Development and Int. Relations)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt / Cologne and Bonn, Germany (Advisor ESA/ EU, Executive Board Aerospace Management)
Foundation Mercator / Essen, Germany (Project Manager Digital Society)
Foundation for Future Studies / Hamburg, Germany (Spokeswoman)
Foundation Jugend für Europa / Bonn, Germany (Executive Management)
German Federal Ministry for Education and Science / Bonn, Germany (Scientific Officer, Cooperation with North and South America)
German Federal Ministray for Statistics (Scientific Assistant)
German Parliament, Office Member of Parliament / Berlin, Germany (Scientific Assistant)
GLS Zukunftsstiftung Entwicklung (Foundation for Future and Development of the GLS Bank) / Bochum, Germany (Country Manager Kenia, Cooperation Support and Application Process)
VdW Verband der Wohnungs- und Immobilienwirtschaft Rheinland Westfalen e.V. / Düsseldorf, Germany (Advisor for Energy, Climate, Mobility and Digitalisation)
Verband kommunaler Unternehmen e.V. Landesgruppe NRW / Düsseldorf, Germany (Advisor)
WWF Germany / Berlin, Germany (Project Lead Sustainable Business and Finance)
ZIF Centre for International Peace Operations / Berlin, Germany (Advisor Public Relations)
ZOE institute for future-fit economies / Cologne, Germany (Research Assistant, Communications, IT support)
Universities/ Research Institutes/ Science/ Education
Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung / Hannover, Germany (Head of Knowledgemanagement)
DAAD / Bonn, Germany (Advisor Department Civil Society and Cultural Dialogue)
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel / Kiel, Germany (Science Manager)
FOM University of Applied Science for Economy and Management / Essen, Germany (Study Councelling)
FOM University of Applied Science for Economy and Management / Berlin, Germany (Study Councelling/ International Office)
Fondation pou la Recherche Stratégique / Paris, France (Research Fellow)
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung / Leipzig, Germany (Scientific Coordinator)
Helmut Schmidt Universität (University of the Fedearl Armend Forces) / Hamburg, Germany (Chair of Historical Edcuation Research, Scientific Assistant)
Hochschule für Gesundheit, University of Applied Science / Bochum, Germany (International Office, Project Manager NRWege ins Studium)
HTW Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, University of Applied Science / Berlin, Germany (Professor for Digital Business)
iba Internationale Berufsakademie / Standort Bochum (Studien- und Firmenberatung, Studiengang Sozialpädagogik & Management)
Institute for Work and Technology (IAT) / Gelsenkirchen, Germany (Scientific Assistant, Research Field Innovation, Space & Culture; PhD Student TU Dortmund)
Institute for Work and Technology (IAT) / Gelsenkirchen, Germany (Scientific Assistant, Research Field Spatial Capital)
Johann Gutenberg Universität/ Frankfurt a. M., Germany (Scientific Coordinator)
RUB, Student Lifecircle Services / Bochum, Germany (Advisor Team Yound University/ University Days, Internships, School Fairs)
SUNY, The State University of New York, Old Westbury College / New York, USA (Assistant Professor)
SciencesPo / Paris, France (Assistant Professor)
Technical University Braunschweig / Barunschweig, Germany (Internet Manager)
Tongji Universität, Automotive-Kolleg / Shanghai, China (Foreign Affairs Assitant)
University of Applied Science Bochum, Germany (Scientific Assistant)
University of Applied Science Dortmund, Germany (Study Programmes and International Offcie/ Information, Consulting and Supervision for int. MA Students and Exchange Students)
University of Applied Science Koblenz, RheinMoselCampus / Germany (Deputy Director International Office)
University of Applied Science Niederrhein (Peer-Tutoring, Study Councelling)
University Osnabrück, Institute for Islamic Theology / Osnabrück, Germany (Scientific Assistant)
WZB Berlin Social Science Center / Berlin, Germany (Public Affairs Manager at German Data Forum)
PhD at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University / Paris, France
PhD at the Center for Comparative and International Studies, European Politics Group / ETH Zürich, Switzerland (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Chair of Comparative Politcal Studies, RUB / Bochum, Germany
PhD at the Center for Mediterranean Studies, RUB / Bochum, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Chair of Easteuropean History, RUB / Bochum, Germany
PhD at the Chair of Industrial and Corporate History, RUB / Bochum, Germany
PhD at the Chair of Industrial and Corporate History, RUB / Bochum, Germany
PhD at the Chair of Industrial and Corporate History, RUB / Bochum, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Chair of International Politics, RUB / Bochum, Germany
PhD at the Chair of International Politics, RUB / Bochum, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Department for Applied Ethics, RUB / Bochum, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Department for Applied Ethics, RUB / Bochum, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Department for Applied Ethics, RUB / Bochum, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies / Hamburg, Germany (completed doctorate)
PhD at SUNY, The State University of New York / USA (completed doctorate)
PhD at Toronto University / Canada (completed doctorate)
PhD at Uppsala Universtet / Sweden (completed doctorate)