Residence Permit / Visa to Carry out the Studies

If you are coming to study in Bochum from a non-EU country and will be living in Bochum during your studies (registration address), the Foreigners' Office (Ausländerbüro) of the City of Bochum is responsible.


Ausländerbüro der Stadt Bochum (website in German)
Rathaus Bochum
Willy-Brandt-Platz 2-6
D-44777 Bochum

For the residence permit and visa extension (students from non-EU countries) you need the following documents:

  • application form (application for issuance / extension of a residence permit (Antrag auf Erteilung / Verlängerung einer Aufenthaltsgenehmigung)
  • national passport
  • biometric photo
  • certificate of enrolment (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung) of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
  • proof of health insurance cover
  • proof Nachweis of sufficient means of subsistence (proof of financing/ blocking account)
Health Insurance

All students must provide proof of health insurance at the start of their studies for enrolment.

If you come from a country with which the Federal Republic of Germany has concluded a social security agreement, you do not pay for a health insurance in Germany. However, you must register this with a statutory health insurance (for example AOK, TK, BEK, etc.). To do this, bring the relevant foreign health insurance certificates with you.


The statutory insurance obligation - i.e. the right to take out health insurance and long-term care insurance at the favourable student contribution - only exists for students up to the 14th semester or until they reach the age of 30. After that, you must take out voluntary insurance with one of the statutory health insurance companies or turn to a private health insurance company.

You can find more information on the subject of health insurance on the websites of the RUBiss International Student Services.

Registration with the City of Bochum

German students and students from EU member states who come to Bochum to study and will live in Bochum during their studies should register at the Bürgerbüro (website in German) of the City of Bochum.

Depending on which district you live in, the following citizens' offices are responsible:

Bochum Mitte

Bürgerbüro im Rathaus Bochum
Rathaus Bochum
Willy-Brandt-Platz 2-6

Bochum Querenburg/ Uni

Bürgerbüro Querenbrug
Querenburger Höhe 256
44777 Bochum

There are further Bürgerbüros in Bochum Gerthe, Bochum Langendreer, Bochum Wattenscheid und Bochum Weitmar

The following documents are requried for a new registration:

  • pre-arranegd appointment (vai phone or online, website in German)
  • valid identity card or passport