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44801 Bochum
GD 1/249 / Postfach 80
+49 (0)234 32 27947

Katrin Amelang is a visiting fellow at the the Chair of Cultural Psychology and Anthropology of Knowledge and an associate of the RUSTlab.


Interim Professor at the Chair of Cultural Psychology and Anthropology of Knowledge

Research Fellow & Co-Organizer of the Bremen NatureCultures Lab, Department of Anthropology and Cultural Research, U Bremen

Nov 2022:
Appointed Visiting Scholar of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, TU Graz,

Research Associate, BMBF Research Project “Epidemiological Risk Scores as Instruments of Knowledge Transfer”, Institute of Sociology, U Frankfurt/M.,

Lecturer, Institute of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology, U Göttingen

Dr. phil., European Ethnology, HU Berlin – dissertation: ethnography on the production of everyday life and normality in the field of liver transplantation; defense Aug. 2012; publication: (transcript 2014).

Doctoral candidate/scholarship, BMBF-research cluster „Preventive Self. Interdisciplinary Explorations of an Emergent Life Form”, Institute for European Ethnology, HU Berlin

Research Associate, EU-Project “Challenges of Biomedicine: Socio-Cultural Contexts, European Governance and Bioethics”, Institute for European Ethnology, HU Berlin

M.A. in Cultural Anthropology & European Ethnology and Political Science, U Frankfurt/M.

Research Areas

I am a (feminist) STS-inspired cultural anthropologist who is as interested in processes of normalization and the tediousness and intricacies of everyday life as she is in naturecultures and human-technology relations. Often I work on these issues in the field of biomedicine, body and health. In my recent work, I grapple with people’s every-day encounters with digital technology, processes of datafication and the cultural dimension of software, algorithms and data. Empirically, I am currently researching period trackers (menstrual cycle apps).

Recent Publications

Amelang, K (2023): „Wie Apps erforschen? Zum Zusammentreffen neuer Forschungsgegenstände und alter Methoden“. In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie 16, 11-28. []

Amelang, K (2022): (Not) Safe to Use: Insecurities in Everyday Data Practices with Period-Tracking Apps. In: Hepp/Jarke/Kramp (Hg.): The Ambivalences of Data Power. New Perspectives in Critical Data Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, 297-321. []

Amelang, K; Egermann-Krebs, D; Eisenmann, C; Kehr, J; Kurz, H; Uhlig, M; Voss, E (Hg.) (2020 & 2021): Curare Corona Diaries. A Collection of Diaries in the Strict Sense of the Term.

Amelang, K & Bauer, S (2019): Following the Algorithm. How Epidemiological Risk Scores Do Accountability. In: Social Studies of Science 49:4, 476-502. []

Gesing, F; Knecht, M; Flitner, M & Amelang, K (Hg.) (2019): NaturenKul­tu­ren. Denkräume und Werkzeuge für neue politische Ökologien. transcript.

Amelang, K (2019): Monatliche Blutflüsse als Gesprächsstoff? Zur Neuverhandlung der Menstruation in digitalisierten Zeiten“. In: Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskun­de / Archives suisses des tradition populaires 115:1, 65-81. []