Cultural Psychology and Anthropology of Knowledge

The combination of cultural psychology and anthropology of knowledge is a challenge. It poses the question of how to understand human experience and practice as constituted through processes of knowing and the constitution of knowers.

We seek to answer this question through empirical founded theoretical discussions. Our approaches are generally founded in Science & Technology Studies (STS), which is a collection of interdisciplinary social science engagements with questions concerning science and technology in the contemporary world. Technology is just as central in our research as is knowledge, since no knowledge exists without being technologically configured. On the other hand, all technologies require knowledge for their production, use, circulation, translation, modification, and even for their demolition.

Knowledge and technology are in continuous production and they circulate throughout society. We inquire human experiences and participations both as processes and products of and contributors to specific local and embedded practices of knowledge and technology. Knowledge and technology also contribute to the extension of localities beyond places and interactions. Separate practices become mutually entangled when knowledges and technologies travel and when they transform while moving. What effects does this have for humans as participants in such practices? How is life in such a complexity of technoscientific becoming, as media and intermedium in flows of knowledge and technologies? How do knowledges and technology circulate across practices, and how do they transform? How are practices socio-technically connected, and how are they separated and bounded?

Through praxeographic and micro-analytic methods and in the attempt also to develop these, the team engages in these questions. We do this through a variety of empirical project.